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6 Tips for Social Media Ad Success – Part 2

Social media advertising is ripe with benefits for businesses. Not only can social media advertising help you connect your products or services to thousands of people who may be interested in them, it can also generate followers, engagement, and website traffic fast.

When it comes to social media advertising it pays to know what you’re doing because there is a lot that can go wrong. The last thing any business wants to do is spend time and money on an advertising venture that is unsuccessful. In this two-part post, we’ll look at six tips to help you avoid many of the issues brands face when implementing a social media advertising campaign.

Rotate ads frequently

The key to a successful social media advertising campaign is analysis and experimentation. You need to keep an eye on your campaigns, identify low performing areas fast and work with your team to launch new ads that will keep the traffic coming in regularly. Overly repetitive messaging may end up losing you more business than you gain so rotate your ads frequently.

Social media marketing is the process of reaching prospects and customers, and acquiring traffic and visibility through social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and many others. By utilizing the social aspect of the web, social media marketing is able to connect and interact on a much more personalized and dynamic level than through traditional marketing.

Think mobile

More than 80% of social network users accessed social media on a mobile device in 2016, according to Hootsuite. What this means is that most social media ads are being viewed on mobile devices as well. Your mobile ads should be specifically designed for the small screen, incorporating images that are easy to view on a mobile device.

Understand how ads work on each network

Just as understanding your audience is important, understanding how ads are sold on different social networks is equally important. If you’re paying every time someone sees your ad (impressions), your message can cast a wide net. But if you’re paying for engagement, you only want people who are interested in doing business with you to engage. Knowing how each network works will determine how you design your ads.

If you’re looking for a social media advertising campaign that drives instant traffic and conversions while making a real impact, look no further than Digital Cloud. Contact us for more information today.
Keegan Long
Keegan Long

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