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Considering a Business Podcast?

As I write this, I am listening to Daft Punk. Unlike the 400 odd million people around the world who listen to a podcast, I simply cannot listen to someone speak about something for hours on end, especially while I’m churning out work.

Podcasts don’t work in my ears, but 400 million people can’t be wrong, can they? A well set-up podcast can entertain and promote. So, are there any benefits to having your own business podcast?

It’s Personal. And Business.

Thank you for reading this blog. It took effort, didn’t it?

Well, what if I could deliver the same content straight to your ear canals, on demand? You could listen to my voice instead of reading this in yours. You and I could form a personal connection, we could have running gags and jokes and explore topics surrounding digital marketing.

A well-run podcast delivers a personal touch. Your listeners, and customers, will get to know you a little better and feel like they can trust you more. Also it makes you seem kinda cool.

And that’s marketing.


Did you know that Search Engines regard iTunes as a Rank One website? Neither did I until I read this article.

If your business podcast (with a nifty description of what’s going on) features on iTunes, you can expect the SEO bots to regard you pretty highly. In terms of searchability, your company would be held in high esteem and that makes it easier for people to find you.

You’ve found a new way to market yourself, and drive your SEO ratings like this Boosted Honda S2000.

You don’t need bigger hands to get a wider reach

Diversify your audience acquisition by becoming a multi-channel star!

There’s a whole untapped audience waiting for you on Spotify and iTunes. You don’t just have to stick to visual forms of communication- be present with people who are driving or working.

Sure, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook are cool to swipe through, but when people cannot afford the time for swipes, that’s when you strike… With your podcast, that is.

IF your business needs a full scale Digital Marketing makeover, Contact Us to discover how we can work our magic on you today!

If you like this blog post, please consider checking us out on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram. And if you liked the writer, do give him a shout-out on his personal LinkedIn.

Keegan Long
Keegan Long

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