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4 proven methods for dealing with Writer’s Block

Ah, writer’s block; constipation of the creative industry. How much further would the world have progressed if not for writer’s block? Mayhaps not much, but there sure would be a lot less frustrated writers, and that’s nice.

Much to the chagrin of all penman, writer’s block stands firm as it tries not to let you pass. The Black Knight on the long, desolate road to the holy grail. But fear not, for it isn’t Gandalf, and you most definitely shall pass. As long as you remember that, you’ll be okay. Change your mind and you’ll change your fortunes; I believe the saying goes.

The following is a list of tips I’ve collected that actually do aid my writing process.

Let your Subconscious Work

Sometimes the best thing that any writer can do is to step away for a bit. Yes, you may be on a tight deadline, and a client could be pushing you to get things done ASAP. But if tight deadlines intimidate you and you feel the surmounting pressure adding to your writer’s block, maybe it’s time to have a breather. Go outside, talk to a friend, watch some Youtube videos, and just forget about the project- temporarily that is!

When you return, you might be amazed as to how your subconscious processed your problem.

I’ve used this tip today, taking a breather from the intro and allowing my subconscious to arrange the points I want to bring up. Not even 5 minutes in, and I’ve already churned out these 3 paragraphs.

Write anything

Preferably not on the document that you’re submitting for approval.

Rather, having another word doc open, or even a notebook next to you can be beneficial in slaying your writer’s block. It’ll get your writing juices flowing and that may just seep into the copy you’re stuck on.

Remember that thing you thought about this morning in traffic? Elaborate on it. You can add all the dinosaurs and explosions you want as well, because this one is just for you.

Do something else creative

Have a graphic designer sitting by the desk next to yours? Why not ask if you can help them along with what they’re doing?

Sometimes all your mind needs is a shift from one process to another, and you could be learning something new.

You can also take the time to work on a love-letter or drawing for your significant other. Brownie points plus slaying writer’s block? If it sounds like a win, it must be.


Whether it’s a Honda S2000 owner’s manual, this blog about overcoming writer’s block, or this article about finding meaning– there are plenty of resources out there to get you inspired by words again.

Have a burning question on your mind about those bumps under your tongue? Google it. Read. Read some more. Fill your brain with knowledge that you can impart on your copy.

What’s more is, you may actually find the motivation to keep going based off how easy someone made their words sound.

And making things sound easy and effortless- that’s writing Nirvana.

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Alister Ho
Alister Ho

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