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Social Media: How to Get People Talking About Your Brand

Social media is all about word of mouth and is a great tool to create awareness of your brand.

The problem is that many people know this and have the same idea in mind: get your brand out there and get people talking about it. But how do you get the competitive edge over the thousands of brands competing for the top spot?

Let look at some ways to catch your potential customer’s attention and create some buzz for your brand.

How to grab their attention


We’re not talking ordinary videos on Youtube with links on your Facebook and Twitter pages here. Nowadays other platforms also support video, so you need to get your videos up there ASAP. Remember to create innovative content that is creative and eye-catching, and will leave a lasting impression.

Online reviews

The consumer is king, and while you can reach more customers thanks to the internet, it means more customers can reach you – and if that contact is a bad review, the effect can be huge. Instead, use this to your advantage and use positive reviews to promote your brands and encourage people to view your brand as credible and trustworthy.


People have short attention span, so creating killer content is key. You must grab people’s attention and grip it with content that is engaging, impressive and driven – you want your campaigns to go viral and turn visits into conversions.

Social media marketing is the process of reaching prospects and customers, and acquiring traffic and visibility through social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and many others. By utilizing the social aspect of the web, social media marketing is able to connect and interact on a much more personalized and dynamic level than through traditional marketing.


Pay to play

Paid social media campaigns are more important than ever, especially on traditionally ad-free or certainly ad-scarce platforms like Twitter and Facebook. Organic posts are reaching fewer and fewer followers and fans, so to raise awareness of your brand and get noticed, you need to budget for promoting your brand.

Premium platform

Instead of dividing your attention between all the social media platforms, pick one to be your premium platform, your brand’s champion. Focus your energy on this platform. You can always link your content to the other platforms automatically (although you need to tread carefully here as the format you use on one platform rarely successfully translates to another) or you can still post on your other platforms, just not as often.

Do you want your brand to stand out? Do you want the spotlight on your product or service offering? Do you want people to be buzzing about your business? Contact Digital Cloud today!
Keegan Long
Keegan Long

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